

Audrey Forgeron

Why Educators Going Global?

I first “went global” in 1990 when I upped stakes in Ottawa, Canada (woot!) and moved to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The initial contract was for two years, but I only planned to stay for one.

Thirty-two years and seven countries and schools later, I am still overseas! The travel bug bit me hard. The thing is, once you get out there, you find out how much more there is to see. I love the lifestyle! 

I want to spread the joy of this lifestyle to all teachers in the hopes that more and more of us will jump at the chance to see the world while also pursuing our chosen vocation.

We have such exciting ideas for the show, and we hope you will contribute your ideas and suggestions as we seek to travel, teach and connect. Enjoy! 


David Carpenter

I want to give back to the community that offered so much to my family and me. 

My international journey began in 1990, in Tel Aviv, Israel. I started as a counselor moving on to teach social studies, design curriculum, and integrate technology while finishing my career, returning to counseling, and incorporating wellness into my practice. My career extended through ten international schools, each offering me new opportunities to learn and better understand various cultures worldwide. 

I got to be a father bringing the world to my two sons along the way.  

I am fortunate to team up with Audrey to combine our strengths to serve the large but sometimes small community of international educators. 

Thank you for joining us on this adventure!